Do you foresee any medical expenses or do you wish to request reimbursement of the expenses incurred? Learn more about filing a claim and what to do in an emergency.
- The au pair needs to go to a hospital - call the Emergency Helpline
Please call the Emergency Helpline and have the policy number to hand. The Emergency Helpline creates a file of your report, it is advisable to note the file number so that you can refer to it in future contact.
The telephone number of the Emergency Helpline: +31 (0) 182 544 555
This number is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- Long-term care is required or high healthcare costs are expected - Call the Emergency Center
Do you expect high medical costs to be incurred, such as amounts above 500 euros. Please call the Emergency Helpline and have the policy number to hand. The Emergency Helpline creates a file of your report, it is advisable to note the file number so that you can refer to it in future contact.
The telephone number of the Emergency Helpline: +31 (0) 182 544 555
This number is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- The au pair has died and needs to be brought home - Call the Emergency Helpline
If the au pair dies a lot needs to be arranged to get her home. It is essential that you get help in this situation.
Please call the Emergency Helpline and have the policy number to hand. The Emergency Helpline creates a file of your report, it is advisable to note the file number so that you can refer to it in future contact.
The telephone number of the Emergency Helpline: +31 (0) 182 544 555
This number is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- The au pair needs to return home due to family emergency - Arrange a (round-trip) ticket
What the coverage is intended for:
- Serious unforeseen event: When a family member has passed away or is in a situation of "inevitable death."
- Close family: The coverage is meant for the au pair's immediate family. This is described in the terms and conditions as first- and second-degree relatives, such as parents, siblings, and grandparents.
- Additional travel expenses: Costs that are necessary for booking a trip or rebooking a trip, allowing the au pair to travel home and potentially return to the Netherlands to complete their “au pair year.” The coverage does not apply to luxury options or first-class travel.
Additional remarks regarding the coverage
The extra costs are often (partially) reimbursed. The exact reimbursement depends on several factors:
- Existing return travel: Whether the au pair already had a return trip (from the Netherlands to their home country) booked before the situation arose. If the au pair did not yet have a return trip, the insurer may limit the reimbursement to 50%.
- Returning to the Netherlands: Whether the au pair returns to the Netherlands after visiting home. If a return trip to the Netherlands is booked so the au pair can complete their au pair year, but the au pair ultimately does not use it, the insurer is not obligated to reimburse the cost of that trip.
Steps to take
- Arrange a return trip for the au pair by rebooking an existing trip or arranging a new ticket.
- If the au pair also wishes to return to the Netherlands, a round trip can be booked. Note: if the au pair ultimately does not return to the Netherlands, the insurer is not required to reimburse the cost of the trip from home to the Netherlands.
- Ensure the au pair saves all relevant travel documents, such as tickets and boarding passes. These will be needed when submitting the claim.
- Submit a claim to the insurer, including all relevant information. Details on how to submit a claim can be found elsewhere on this page.
- Medical expenses
There are a number of options, depending on the coverage and event. Cover can be found on the policy certificate.
All-in Coverage
Deductible Basic Health Insurance - Insured - submit to Au pair Insurance
Medical expenses in The Netherlands/abroad - Submit to Au pair Insurance
Dental expenses - Insured up to max amount - submit to Au pair InsuranceYou can claim emergency medical care from insurance company ISIS (part of De Goudse). If the au pair has a Basic Health Insurance, you must first submit a claim at the Dutch health insurer. If the health insurer does not reimburse all costs, you can declare the remaining amounts to ISIS. This also applies to the deductible of the Dutch basic health insurance.
Additional Coverage
Deductible Basic Health Insurance - Insured - submit to Au pair Insurance
Medical expenses in The Netherlands/abroad - Submit to Health Insurance
Dental expenses - Not insured by Au pair InsuranceIf the Additional cover is in force on the ISIS Au pair insurance, the au pair must have Dutch basic health insurance. The Additional coverage of the Au pair insurance offers reimbursement for:
- the deductible of the Dutch basic insurance
- emergency medical costs abroad (i.e. outside the Netherlands) that are not reimbursed by the basic insurance
The costs must first be submitted to the health insurer. The bills are often automatically sent to the health insurer by the care provider. Part of the costs will not be reimbursed by the Basic Health Insurance because of the deductible. The part that falls under the deductible of the Basic Health Insurance can be recovered from the Au pair insurance.
Sometimes a lot of costs are incurred in one event and the deductible amount is high, up to almost 900 euros. When submitting the claim, you can indicate that the insurer should not pay you, but will transfer the reimbursement to the health insurer. You must indicate this yourself on the claim form.
Standard cover on the policy
In that case, a deductible applies to the compensation from ISIS. The deductible is applied per claim/event.
- Dental costs
These costs are not reimbursed by the Basic Health Insurance, as this cover only applies to people under the age of 18. You therefore do not have to submit these costs to the Dutch health insurer first. You may send the claim directly to ISIS. Please note that this only concerns emergency dental costs and only if the All-in cover applies to the Au pair policy.
If Additional coverage is stated on the policy, you cannot request reimbursement for dental treatment from ISIS.
Oral surgeon?
If the au pair has to go to the oral surgeon for an operation, these costs are generally not covered by the dental costs. In such cases, please contact the Emergency Helpline as the au pair will have to go to hospital. Specialist treatment in the hospital is generally insured. - Luggage of the au pair
You may submit a claim for luggage. The compensation is always based on the item that is lost, stolen or damaged. And therefore not based on the value for the purchase of a new item. Include the original receipts of what has been damaged or stolen. If you do not have any invoices, please send other 'evidence' such as photos, statements. Is luggage stolen? In that case, a declaration must be made and the official report must be sent with you when you submit the declaration.
- Extra travel expenses
It is important that you keep all the au pair's travel documents, including those that she has not used. If the au pair has to go home unexpectedly and she did not have a ticket for the journey home at that time, the reimbursement may be limited to 50%
You must send all travel receipts and, if applicable, a Death Certificate when submitting the claim.
- Liability
The liability cover on the Au pair insurance is supplementary. The insurer may ask you whether the damage suffered will be reimbursed under the Family liability insurance or the House contents insurance when they handle the claim.
A. The host family holds the au pair liable
The host family believes that the au pair is liable for damage to their belongings. You must draw up a statement (liability statement) stating that you hold the au pair responsible for the event and the resulting damage. And that you demand compensation for that damage. In addition, you fill in the claim form.
Important when submitting a claim;
- the completed claim form; fill this in as completely as possible.
- describe in the statement of liability what the circumstances are of the damage suffered (What happened? How did the damage arise?)
- enclose proof that your Household contents insurance does not cover the damage suffered
- collect evidence that helps to demonstrate the damage, for example photos or videos, purchase receipts, etc.
B. Someone else holds the au pair liable
In this case "a third party" is involved, someone other than the au pair or the host family. This person (affected party) believes that the au pair is liable for the damage suffered. The affected party must draw up a statement (Statement of liability) in which he/she states that he/she holds the au pair responsible for the event and the resulting damage. And that he/she demands compensation for that damage. Contact details of the affected party can also be stated herein.
A few more points to consider with these types of declarations:
- do not forget to share contact details of the affected party with the insurer, this can be done via the claim form
- you must first submit the damage to your Family liability insurance. The insurer may ask you to demonstrate that the other insurance does not provide any compensation
- fill in the claim form of the Au pair insurance as carefully as possible
- add the Statement of liability to the documents you send to the insurer
- take photos, videos of the situation and the damage and ask witnesses for contact details when relevant
Procedure for submitting a claim
Claims can be submitted by email or post. Download the claim form.
You can fill out this form digitally or print it out and fill it out by hand.
Add the original invoices or receipts. If you do not have (original) invoices, collect as much information as possible relating to the damage, such as the description of the product (with e.g. the details and the type of product), details of the purchase (where and when purchased), the payment (debit from your account or credit card) and the theft or damage (police or damage report).
- Declaration by email
If you submit the claim by email, you must not forget the completed claim form to sign and scan. In addition, please also scan all original receipts. Keep all original invoices, as the insurer has the right to request them. The email address of the insurer is:
- Declaration by post
If you claim by post, make as far as possible a copy of the documents that you send to the insurer, because sometimes things get lost in the post. Send the completed claim form and all original bills to the insurer. The postal address of the insurer is:
The Gouda Insurance
attn. ISIS / Damage Department
PO Box 9
2800 MA Gouda