ISIS Au pair insurance


In order to make the stay of your au pair as carefree and comfortable as possible, it is important to make sure your au pair is well insured. The ISIS Au pair Insurance contains a number of important coverages and offers assistance at calamities. Obviously no-one expects something to happen to their au pair, but in case your au pair does get sick, is involved in an accident, or needs to return home unexpectedly, it is a comforting thought to have an insurance that covers for this.

The ISIS Au pair Insurance is part of the Goudse Insurances, an insurance company that offers specialised insurances for decades.

What is covered by the Au pair Insurance?

The ISIS Au pair Insurance provides coverage for risks that are not covered on other insurances. Furthermore, this insurance helps host families to meet their duty of care. Below is an overview of coverage of the ISIS Au pair Insurance. You can also read the Table of Benefits for a complete overview. 

Medical expenses

The insurance policy starts with All-in coverage and can be adjusted to Additional coverage as soon as the Basic Health Insurance is taken care of.

All-in coverage

The new insurance policy will be taken out with All-in coverage.

  • This means that the au pair is covered for emergency medical costs during the trip to the Netherlands, during her stay in the Netherlands and during her trip back home. In case the au pair unexpectedly becomes ill or gets into an accident and needs medical treatment because of that, she will be covered.
  • Also the costs involved in the excess of the Basic Health Insurance can be claimed under the ISIS Au pair Insurance.
  • Regarding Dental care, the insurance covers  emergency treatment up to a certain amount. This amount depends on the choice of  Standard or Super coverage.

Apply for the Au pair insurance

Additional coverage

After the Basic Health Insurance is taken care of, the medical coverage of the ISIS Au pair insurance can be adjusted to Additional coverage, since most medical expenses will be covered under the Basic Health Insurance. This way the medical coverage will be limited to an addition on the Basic Health Insurance. Coverage of the Additional option:

  • (Voluntary) deductible excess of the Basic Health Insurance (so opt for the maximum excess).
  • Emergency medical costs outside the Netherlands that are not covered under the Basic Health Insurance.
  • Please note: the ISIS Additional coverage does not provide coverage for dental costs (even in case of emergency medical costs) since dental treatment is not covered under the Basic Health Insurance either. In case you choose to keep the All-in coverage, emergency dental treatments will remain covered up to a certain amount. 
  • From the moment onwards the Additional coverage will come into effect, you will receive a 25% discount on the premium of the remaining months (refund).
  • The Additional cover starts from the next insurance month after you have requested the change. In other words, request the change as soon as possible when you have the policy schedule for the Basic Health Insurance, then you will receive a maximum discount. Additional coverage cannot be applied for retroactively.

Adjust to Additional coverage

SOS and exceptional costs

  • This concerns the coverage for calamities where the au pair needs to return to her home country. For instance in case her mom or grandpa becomes life-threatening ill or passes away.
  • In case the au pair herself passes away, the ISIS Au pair Insurance also takes care of the process involved as well as repatriation of the mortal remains.

Accident Insurance

  • This coverage provides a lump sum  in case the au pair becomes permanently disabled or passes away because of an accident.


  • The au pair will most probably bring her belongings to the Netherlands and buy new stuff in the Netherlands as well. Therefore it is a comfortable thought that this is taken care of under the luggage coverage of the ISIS Au pair Insurance.


  • This coverage is an addition to the family liability insurance. We recommend you to take out the family liability insurance in case you do not have one. Liability is insured when the au pair causes damage to any person or their belongings. 

Standard or Super coverage

The ISIS Au pair offers the choice between Standard and Super coverage.

The Super coverage obviously offers lower excesses, higher covered amounts for certain costs and furthermore offers coverage that is not provided under the Standard option. For a more extensive overview of all the coverage options and costs please check the table of benefits. The most important differences between the Standard and Super coverage are:

  • no deductible excess for medical costs under the Super coverage. 
  • higher maximum compensation for emergency medical care with Super coverage
  • higher maximum coverage for luggage with Super coverage
  • Super coverage also covers for damage caused on goods of the host family by the au pair during working hours under the liability coverage.

Europe or World coverage

  • In case your au pair comes from an European country, the European coverage will automatically be applied.
  • In case your au pair comes from a country outside of Europe, World coverage will be needed. In those cases it is the home country of the au pair that matters, the country she would need to return to in case of repatriation.
  • The European countries are not limited to the countries of the European Union. In the conditions of the insurance you will find the description of the countries that belong to Europe according to the insurance company.

What are the costs of the au pair Insurance?

Overview of the monthly premium:

  • Europe Standard: €28 
  • Europe Super: €34
  • World Standard: €37 
  • World Super: €45

This premiums does not include taxes. Per year the tax is at least €13,99 but no more than €17,14 depending on the chosen coverage.

Combination of the Basic Health Insurance & ISIS Au pair insurance

  • The Au Pair Insurance starts with All-in cover, which covers emergency medical expenses without an active Basic Health Insurance. 
  • The mandatory excess on the Basic Health Insurance is € 385.- per year (2025). We recommend you to take out the Basic Health Insurance with a maximum voluntary excess ( €500.-).
  • By taking out the Basic Health Insurance with a high voluntary excess, the monthly premium will be significantly reduced. As soon as the Basic Health Insurance is applied for, you can even apply for the Additional coverage of the ISIS Au pair Insurance and receive a 25% discount on the remaining premium (refund).
  • The ISIS Au pair Insurance with All-in or Additional cover, pays for both the mandatory and voluntary excess. So should the Basic Health Insurance refuse to pay for medical treatment because they apply the excess, you can claim this at the ISIS Au pair Insurance. Since the ISIS Au pair Insurance started at the date the au pair departed from her home country, the mandatory excess of the Basic Health Insurance is covered from the beginning and can be claimed on the ISIS Au pair Insurance.
  • Health Care allowance will compensate a large part of the premium of the Basic Health Insurance.
  • Covering the mandatory excess by the ISIS Au pair Insurance will make sure that the medical costs for your au pair will be as low as possible.

How to apply for the ISIS Au pair Insurance?

The ISIS Au pair Insurance needs to be applied for before departure from her home country. This can be easily done online by using our online application form.

In some cases the local authorities require proof of insurance coverage in order for the au pair to receive an exit visa to leave her home country. The ISIS Au pair Insurance policy includes an English Declaration of coverage that can be used as a proof of insurance.  

Apply for the Au pair insurance

In case your au pair is already in the Netherlands

You might have noticed that all the information provided is based on the fact that your au pair has not arrived in the Netherlands yet. In principle it is not possible to take out the insurance in case your au pair has already arrived in the Netherlands.  Please take the following cases into account in case your au pair has already arrived:

  • Your au pair might be uninsured. In case something happens with her that involves (medical) costs, chances are that you as a host family will need to pay for those costs. As a host family, according to the IND, you have duty of care for your au pair
  • We recommend you to take action as soon as possible and start an application. On the application form, you indicate that the au pair has already left their country of origin.
  • Please note: pre-existing conditions/complaints are excluded from coverage, even if they arose during the initial uninsured period. Any follow-up treatment costs will not be reimbursed. This is an additional condition that you must agree to in order to take out the insurance.

How to make use of the ISIS Au Pair Insurance (emergency/claim)

Emergency helpline in case of emergency or expected high expenses

  • Does the au pair need emergency medical treatment? Are you expecting to make high medical expenses? Please call the emergency helpline and make sure you keep the policy number of the ISIS Au pair Insurance at hand.
  • The emergency helpline will open a file of your case, with a file number. We recommend you to note the file number in order for you to refer to this file during further contact.
  • The telephone number of the emergency helpline is: +31 (0) 182 544 555. This number is 24/7 available.

Filing a claim on your ISIS Au pair Insurance.

  • Even though you took out the insurance directly with JoHo Insurances, JoHo is just the intermediary who offers advice and issues a number of insurances of different insurance companies. This means that claim requests are handled directly by the insurer.
  • You can file the claim by downloading the claim form and sending it (together with your original bills) directly to the insurance company by post or by email.
  • Instruction for filing a claim with the insurance company, de Goudse

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