Basic Health Insurance for au pairs


Just as many other European countries, the Netherlands provides a national system to take care of the health care of all residents. In The Netherlands this is accompanied by a compulsory insurance, the Basic Health Insurance. This obligation is taken care of in the Health Care Law (Zorgverzekeringswet, Zvw).

In this section, you will find more information about the health insurance obligation, the risks of not taking out basic health insurance and the possibilities of taking out basic health insurance for the au pair.

The insurance recommended by JoHo and taken out by most au pairs is Zorg en Zekerheid's basic health care insurance. Zorg en Zekerheid's insurance has a number of advantages that make us recommend this insurance. 

Relatively low monthly premium

  • If the maximum voluntary excess is chosen, the premium is low. 
  • The premium will then be around the amount of the care allowance (zorgtoeslag) the au pair can receive, thus minimising the costs for the au pair. 

Extensive network of healthcare providers

  • In case the au pair needs medical care it feels more comfortable if she can make use of a healthcare provider, contracted by the provider, nearby.
  • Zorg en Zekerheid offers an extensive network of healthcare providers that can be easily found on their website.

Positive experience with the assessment of applications of au pairs.

  • The different Basic Health Care providers sometimes use different policies when it comes to new applications.
  • The extensive experience  with applications of au pairs results, in our experience, in a smooth and easy process with Zorg en Zekerheid.

Monthly premium of Zorg en Zekerheid

  • Opt for the maximum voluntary excess for the lowest premium
  • The module calculates from mid-November, only the premium applicable from January 1 the following year
  • Many host families and au pairs use our Instruction on how to apply online for the Basic Health Insurance. The English instruction is available. You can also download a Dutch Instruction if you prefer. 
  • You can use JoHo Insurances' collectivity code: 30852

Apply for Basic Health Insurance

Apply for a policy starting in 2024?

Would you like to apply for Basic Health Insurance (before January 1, 2025) for an au pair registered in 2024? Then you enter January 1, 2025 in the application process. Follow the Instruction mentioned above. The health insurer will check via the BRP from when the au pair was entitled to have the Basic insurance and will start the insurance retroactively (in 2024). As a rule, Basic insurance starts from the moment the au pair is registered in the BRP.

Coverage of the Basic Health Insurance

The content of the Basic Health Insurance is defined by the government. This means that the government defines the minimum coverage that should be included in the Basic Health Insurance that different insurance companies offer.

The so-called “budget policies” also meet the minimum requirements, but work with a limitation of care providers one could use. In that case one must use one of the health care providers listed (part of the insurance company’s network). In some cases there also might be a limitation of costs. This means that the hospital and insurance company make arrangements on a maximum budget to spend. In that case the hospital is allowed to treat the insured persons and claim directly at the insurance company up to a maximum amount per year.

The Basic Health Care Insurance offers coverage for a General Practitioner, specialist care in a hospital, medicines, care outside the Netherlands (maximized up to Dutch rates) and medical examination.

Please check the website of Zorg en Zekerheid, the health care insurer we recommend, for more detailed information about the coverage of their packages.

Is a supplementary plan necessary?

At the moment of application of the Basic Health Insurance, the au pair could choose for supplementary insurance and/ or dental cover as well. This is not mandatory, but could be useful in case it is likely that costs will be made (physical therapy for instance) that are not covered under the Basic Health Insurance.

So, even though it is not very common for an au pair to have supplemental insurance, it might be worth considering in case you expect the au pair to have some additional medical costs.

When do you need to take out Basic Health Insurance?

You can apply for the Basic Health Insurance as soon as the au pair is registered in the BRP. Usually the au pair needs to go to IND first before the registration at the BRP can be done. After registration at the municipality (BRP) the au pair receives a social security number (called BSN), which is necessary for the application of the Basic Health Insurance. It is important that the application of the Basic Health Insurance is done within four months after arrival in the Netherlands. The insurance will then start retroactively, generally from the day of registration. 

How to apply for Basic Health Insurance?

The Basic Health Insurance of Zorg en Zekerheid can be easily applied for on the website of the insurance company. Please use the button below. 

We have prepared an application instruction for you for the Basic Insurance

Apply for Basic Health Insurance

The insurance is registered on her personal account, this means the au pair is the policy holder as well as the insured person, which is why she needs to apply for the Basic Health Insurance herself. A little assistance of the host family is of course more than welcome. Please keep the following documents and information at hand at the moment of application:

  • personal details of your au pair (date of birth and BSN for example) 
  • The address in the Netherlands where your au pair is registered (usually this concerns the address of the host family)
  • The date of registration in the BRP at the municipality
  • Account Number (IBAN) of a Dutch bank account for the payment of the insurance as well as for the application of the health care allowance.

Compulsory Insurances

Of course every au pair aims to have a pleasant and carefree stay in The Netherlands. However, from the moment your au pair leaves her home country until the moment she returns home, many things could happen. In order to prevent that your au pair has to deal with the financial consequences of an